Body Slimming Treatment: Does Dorra Slimming really work?

Dorra’s Intense Fat Burning Slimming Treatment

Body slimming treatment sounds really easy – you lie on a salon bed while a therapist works its magic on you and voila! You lose body fat almost immediately after. But is it too good to be true? Try and Review selected one of its Singaporean members, Cherie, aged 37 and a mother of two to give Dorra’s Intense Fat Burning Slimming Treatment a try and here is a detailed and honest review on her experience.

Here is Cherie’s first body slimming treatment review at Dorra Slimming.

First Body Slimming Treatment Experience

I was invited by Try and Review to do a body slimming treatment trial with Dorra Slimming and I thought why not? Firstly, I’ve never been to any slimming centres or have done any body slimming treatment before. Secondly, as I’m approaching “middle age”, I felt like I should give it a go. I’ve never been slim or skinny, but 2 children, the lockdown, and my love for baking, has had a negative (or is it positive?) effect on my weight. Honestly, I have not weighed myself in 6 years, ever since my second child was born. Indifference or denial, I don’t know which one it is either. I just knew my pants weren’t fitting quite right anymore.

The branch I chose to have my session at was the one in Heartland Mall, tucked away at the corner on the second floor. It didn’t look too intimidating considering I’ve always felt iffy when I thought of / walked past body slimming treatment centres. The bright lights, the pictures of super slim women or celebrities who would never need the treatments and the sterile-ness of it all usually scares me. But look! Here’s a picture of me smiling in front of the store!

In front of Dorra's Heartland Mall store

I was 5 minutes late for my appointment but the consultants were patient and I didn’t feel rushed. Before registration, they gave me a bottle of water (how did they know I was thirsty? Or is this what they did for everyone? I don’t know but I liked that they did.) I had to check in via Tracetogether – this makes me feel safe to know that they were abiding by the safety regulations and safe management measures. Also, they made sure to check on my vaccination status prior to the appointment and I liked the fact that they made sure that only fully vaccinated people can book an appointment.

Body Slimming Treatment Step 1: Weight Measurement and Body Composition Analysis

Weight Measurement and Body Composition Analysis 1Weight Measurement and Body Composition Analysis 2Weight Measurement and Body Composition Analysis 3

The nutritionist did my weight measurement and body composition analysis, printed it out and brought me to a consultation room to wait for the consultant.

The body composition analysis done helped to point out the specific problems that my body was facing which was later explained to me a little more in depth.

I also had to fill up a form with my details and to declare any health issues.

Filling out form

Body Slimming Treatment Step 2: The First Consultation

My consultant, Joyce, came in and gave me some general information about slimming. She also spoke about how Dorra focuses on size reduction and not so much on weight loss. She spoke really fast, but I was able to understand, most of it at least. Then came the part I was dreading the most. It was time to take my “before” pictures. I was given a robe to put on before that. 4 pictures – front, back and one from each side. The pictures looked terrible. The white lights in the consult room did nothing but highlight every imperfection, every bump and dent. Joyce and asked me to mark out how I would like my body to look. I drew a slimmer waist, smaller hips and flatter tummy, and I am guessing that everyone would have done the same corrections.


Joyce and I spoke about what my goal was. She took notes on my daily food intake. She asked if I wanted to lose weight for vanity or for health, I thought about it and could not really come up with an answer. I mean, it would definitely be nice to be able to fit into my clothes right again. The body analysis stated that I had to lose 10.1kg to reach my ideal weight. Currently 5kg from my pre-pregnancy / pre-marriage weight, losing 10kg meant that I had to go back to the weight I was 20 years ago. Kinda unachievable, methinks. With the issues she noticed, the discussion we had and changes I had marked out on the photos, Joyce came up with a personalised treatment plan. She explained what she would be using on me, how it works and what I should expect.

I was then led to a relatively small but comfortable and cosy treatment room.

Body Slimming Treatment Step 3: Waist, Hip and Thigh Measurements

Robe change

They gave me disposable underwear to change into. I could change into it or wear them over my own undies. I chose the latter. Joyce marked out parts of my body that she was going to measure (with a pen), so that she would be able to measure the exact area again after the treatment. The areas marked out were: upper arms, waist, over belly button (mid tummy), under belly button (lower tummy), hips, upper thighs and mid thighs. Since it was only a tummy treatment, it was a little funny that I had to measure everything. I am guessing that they would need this info if I did decide to sign up with them.

It was finally time for the treatment after the measurements were done. I laid down, facing up. She covered my lower body – hips onwards, and my upper body – boobs and up with towels. Joyce made sure to check if I was cold and if she should turn on the heated bed.

Body Slimming Treatment Step 4: The Actual Treatment

I was told that I would be doing their Intense Fat Burning Slimming Treatment today.


Joyce showed me the ampoules that she would use on me – the Flush Blue Sea Salt (for water retention) and Strength Purple Carnitine (fat burning). The ampoules are supposed to activate lipolysis, targeting both the softer fats – easier to break down, and the harder fats beneath – stubborn fats that would take a few sessions to soften.

Joyce also mentioned that Dorra specialises in using peptide slimming technology (special proteins found in the Strength Purple Carnitine ampoule) to trigger the breakdown of stubborn fats by activating a metabolic process known as lipolysis. They should be able to burn even the deepest layers of stubborn fat.

Treatment 1Treatment 2

Joyce used a handheld infrared hammer roll to encourage the absorption of the ampoule and to also sculpt my body. The use of the infrared light therapy is also suppose to aid in the swift and effective breakdown of fat cells by the peptides.

The massager was warm but not overly hot, it vibrated a little and that made it quite soothing. Joyce spent the next 10 mins just massaging with the infrared thing, pushing my fats inwards and upwards to sculpt my shape. The first few strokes hurt but not in an unbearable way. I just didn’t expect that it would. The discomfort went away pretty quickly and it started to feel more like a soothing deep tissue massage. Joyce was really great as she checked my comfort level a few times along the way and she adjusted the pressure accordingly.

Once the treatment was done on my right side, I was asked to feel my belly. As the treatment would have softened the deeper fats, the right side should feel softer than the left. I am ashamed to say that I couldn’t feel the difference because my whole belly was just one whole soft and wobbly piece. Haha. She then asked me to feel the contour of my waist and this time, I could tell there was a difference, my right was smaller. She then repeated the same procedure on the left.

Results on right side vs left

The whole treatment was comfortable apart from the very start and I could have slept through it all. I didn’t though, because Joyce was very friendly and open, and we just talked the whole time. After the treatment, we took measurements from the markings Joyce made.

Body Slimming Treatment Step 5: The After Measurements

Tummy Before 89.6cm
Tummy before
After 86.6cm
Tummy after
Waist Before 94.8cm
Waist before
After 93.7cm
Waist after


Joyce showed me the before and after photos and we had a short debrief after. There was a slight reduction in the roundness of my belly and my sides definitely felt tighter.

24 Hours After My First Body Slimming Treatment

It is now more than 24 hours after the treatment. I noticed that I was unusually thirsty and I had to go to the toilet more last night. My belly feels a little sore, not the muscle soreness you get after a workout, more like bruising, where it hurts only when you touch it. There are no physical marks or bruises on my belly. I am still always thirsty though. They did mention that the fat will be expelled through pee, sweat and poop so I’m assuming this is normal. Defecation is supposed to be also good for release of accumulated body toxins according to Joyce. I did my own measurements today. I can’t guarantee it’s the exact area Joyce measured but the numbers are: 76cm, 87cm , 94cm. Smaller than my before measurements but bigger than the after ones.

Did the treatment work? In numbers, it sure did. Did it change the mind of this skeptic? Yes, maybe a little. If I could see results in just one treatment and then who knows, maybe the changes and results (in CM losses) would be a lot more drastic if I were to come back and do more sessions. Go try it for yourselves and let me know if it worked for you!

Good news! You can now experience the same treatment trial for just $28 – simply click here to redeem.

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This article is written in partnership with Dorra company. All opinions shared are based on authentic and honest reviews from real users.