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HomeBath & BodySay Goodbye to Eczema and Sensitive Skin with Ceradan®

Say Goodbye to Eczema and Sensitive Skin with Ceradan®


Eczema is no doubt a source of distress for people from all walks of life. You’ve probably reached the point where you just don’t know what to believe anymore when it comes to finding products that can effectively take care of them. Lucky for you, Ceradan® has a great line of skincare products that actually make the cut.

From creams to body wash to baby products – You might just find exactly the product you need for your eczema and sensitive skin with Ceradan®

A study* on young children has shown that the Ceradan® regimen – which consists of Ceradan® Cream and Ceradan® Wash have displayed these key benefits:

  • Prevents about 1 in 2 occurrences of dry & irritated skin
  • Improved skin condition with continuous use
  • Significant effective results that nearly 9 in 10 patients or parents would like to continue using the regimen

Even greater news, Ceradan® products are now available in all Guardian, Watsons and Unity retail pharmacies, as well as all the restructured hospitals such as Singapore General Hospital (SGH), National Skin Centre (NSC) and National University Hospital (NUH).

All Ceradan® products below have the skin-optimal ratio of 3:1:1 ceramide, cholesterol, and free fatty acids to restore the skin barrier. They are all hypoallergenic and do not contain steroids, fragrances, parabens or colourants. Furthermore, the formula is gentle enough to also treat your little one’s sensitive skin.

Ceradan® Ceramoz® Mosquito Repellent Cream

Ceradan Ceramoz Mosquito Repellent Cream 50g

With the hot and humid climate, it can be difficult to keep the mozzies away. The Ceramoz® Mosquito Repellent Cream is the best of both worlds combining hypoallergenic mosquito repellent cream and ceramide enriched moisturizer. No bites, all glory as this repellent cream is kind on eczema-prone skin yet tough on mozzies. Ceradan® Ceramoz® Mosquito Repellent Cream is tested according to the WHO guidelines and offers protection from dengue-and Zika-carrying Aedes mosquitoes. This cream is suitable for babies aged 2 months and older.


*Koh MJ et al. Comparison of the Simple Patient -Centric Atopic Dermatitis Scoring System PEST with SCORAD in Young Children Using a Ceramide Dominant Therapeutic Moisturizer. Dermatol Ther (Heidelb). 2017 Sep;7(3): 383-393

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