The Rihanna Savage X Fenty Lingerie line is here!


Celebrity brand launches are never without frenzy, but there’s an extraordinary kind of hype surrounding Rihanna’s Fenty X Savage lingerie line. And now, after a few months of anticipation and waiting, it’s finally here! The game-changing lingerie line is focused on size inclusivity: sizes are available from 32A to a 44DD cup, and the underwear ranges from extra small to XXX large.

Rihanna has undoubtedly brought the same diversity consideration and phenomenal designs to Savage X Fenty that she delivered to Fenty Beauty. She sure knows a thing or two about totally embracing one’s self, in every aspect. According to Rihanna, the concept behind her lingerie line was about shifting the gaze from men lusting after photoshopped lingerie models to actual women who are able to feel confident and sexy in lingerie. It’s about time all these stereotypical body images were broken — and lingerie brands start creating a line that women can see themselves in. Thank you, Rihanna, you’ve outdone yourself again.

Sinead Lee

Photo credit: @savagexfenty on Instagram