App of the week: Meet fashion genie, The Hunt


The hunt

Find yourself lemming for a certain label-less dress (and perhaps, THE DRESS?) seen on channels like Pinterest, Instagram or Tumblr and don’t know where or how to get it?

Fret not, cos The Hunt is your one-stop solution.

This empowering community site will give you hope from strangers, kind of like a genie in a virtual bottle. Instead of utilising an image recognition service, The Hunt brings together over 3 million users with a common goal – to help each other to find sought-after items. You’ll get to help and receive help from real people in searching for that elusive fashion item. Why, this could even mean the future possibility of adding fashion stylist onto your resume.

the hunt

With minimal effort on your part, you’ll get a customised experience, where you receive tips and also return the favour to others. While you’re on your fashion hunt, you may even be presented with cooler and cheaper alternative. The best part of it? You could make new friends who share both the common interest of shopping as well as your personal style. The Hunt is a great platform for all like-minded peers to hang out and indulge in their favourite past time.

The Hunt is available for free on the App Store and Android.

Jacqueline Koh