Soon you’ll be able to shop on Instagram with this new feature


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Seen something you like on your favourite fashion bloggers on Instagram but don’t know where to get it? Be it a cute purse from a big name or a skirt from an indie label, this new feature might just help you out.

Following their new feature update, that can actually save lives, Instagram is back at it again with a new feature that would make shopping a tab bit easier. While it’s still at their testing stage, the social media giant is using the tag feature – just like how you would tag your friends in “wefies” – on products in their post. According to WWD, by tagging the products in the post, a detailed view will open up, as well as letting users swipe to see other products that are also tagged in the photo. This way you won’t have to click on ads and get redirected to your browser to view the products.

Although you can’t purchase directly through the app, the feature allows brands to add product details as well as links to the brand’s website. Brand’s like the Kate Spade, Abercrombie & Fitch, Levi’s and many other fashion labels are jumping on the bandwagon to test out the new feature.

Watch the video below to see how it works.

Bianca Quiroz
Photo Credit: Imaxtree