#Wang10: 10 years of Alexander Wang


It feels just like it was yesterday when the American fashion designer first introduced the signature Rocco duffle bag -remember this leather bag with pikes under it spotted on 90% of Fashion blogs-. The next thing we know, he blew our minds by launching a 10 years celebratory capsule collection at the age of 31.

It’s a truly remarkable achievement for Alexander Wang, whose company has become one of America’s most recognised fashion brands in such a short time. It began with his first full ready-to-wear collection that was presented on a catwalk in 2007, followed by an handbag collection which was introduced the next year. The brand’s mark of success was also commemorated with the first Alexander Wang flagship store, which was opened in New York city in 2011 and keeps expanding. His accomplishment in the fashion industry doesn’t stop at running his own brand, he climbed the ladder and became a Creative Director for French major fashion house Balenciaga for three years.

To celebrate his ten years of journey in the fashion industry, Wang re-issued ten of his all-time best sellers from the past seasons and presented it as a whole. The decision to bring back fans’ most favorite silhouettes for this retrospection was inspired by the feedback and comments he received about the brand’s most loved ready-to-wear pieces on the brand’s social media platforms with a hashtag #Wang10.

The #Wang10 collection is now available on Alexander Wang official website, so if you missed out some of your favourite Wang pieces, this is your second chance! Although it’s only available for pre-order, good things are definitely worth waiting for!

Rasti Annisa Iwan

Photo Credit: Alexander Wang