How to wear sneakers like the stars


Contrary to popular opinion, style should be synonymous with comfort. Give your feet a rest and replace those high heel shoes with sneakers. Based on what we’re seeing, celebrities are clearly embracing the latest sneaker trend and you should too!

Sneakers are no longer just reserved for running and working out in the gym. Because they are ultra-comfortable, they are ultra-popular with girls and can be worn all day and on many occasions. Pair them with jeans, shorts or skinny jeans and you have a classic and winning combo.

Don’t be afraid to break some fashion rules by wearing your sneakers in more unconventional ways. Celebrities are proof that sneakers can be dressed up and worn in the evening as well! Try wearing sneakers with a little black dress for a more laid-back look or matching them with a girly summer dress for an edgier outfit.

Here are some stars you can look to for some fashion inspiration.

Pauline Arnal