Is pineapple the new alternative to leather?

pineapple leaf fibres

Ananas Anam- alternative to leather

Since we’re all doing the best we can to live in a more ethical world, the fashion industry also has a responsibility to protect the environment. Ananas Anam may have find a good alternative to animal skin leather. The company develops Pinatex, a natural and non-women textile, made from pineapple leaf fibres.

Dr. Carmen Hijosa, the creator of Pinatex, spent most of her time researching sustainable materials, and found out pineapple leaf fibers could be a vegan alternative to leather. It only takes 16 pineapples to create one square metre of Pinatex, and the production is pretty easy.

This alternative has already been used by both Puma and Comper in the creation of shoes. And it shouldn’t take long before other brands take the plunge!

Photo credit:

Imane Assaad