Sideboob: The daring trend that stars are wearing


The infamous “sideboob” is a phenomenon where a lady leaves a tantalising glimpse of her curves on the side of her dress or top, usually complemented by a sexy neckline. Lately, be it on the red carpet or off it, the stars have made the sideboob their favorite fashion asset. If you haven’t tried out this trend yet, we’re guessing you’ll be doing the same soon!

Who started the sideboob? The Greeks who wore nothing under their draped robes? Lindsay Lohan, who seems to have lost all her bras? It is not clear who pioneered this strangely attractive trend, where the aim is to look like a hot Californian who’s changed out of a wet shirt (soaked with seawater after riding those dope waves, of course) into an XXL tank top. Indeed, it’s a kind of “sexy casual” that seems to have slowly grown on us.

Today, the sideboob trend has firmly solidified its place on the red carpet. However, there are different schools of thought on whether it’s considered trashy or classy. The trend, originally synonymous with worn-out, XL cotton shirts, has been transplanted onto beautiful, precisely cut satin dresses. With its success on the red carpet, the sideboob has gained quite a bit of class, even if in the back of our minds we still associate it with trashy, midsummer outfits.

P.S: Please note that this trend is more suitable for “average-sized” assets.


Pauline Arnal