Work From Home Tips To Success By Try and Review’s Team!

T&R Team’s Work From Home Tips To Success!

Working from home seems all fun and games until your kids start to scribble over your notes, your cat sits on your laptop or your neighbour decides to drill and fix things right before your meeting starts. You may also find yourself sneaking in a quick 5 minutes nap since your bed is only a few steps away only to realize that the 5 minutes accidentally became 30 minutes. It is difficult to keep yourself accountable and focused at home when you have so many distractions in front of you. So here are some first-hand work from home tips to success right from our very own Try and Review team who are no stranger to working from home. Even before the lockdown, T&R team members were given one work from home every month and they have some very useful tips that you can use as you get used to this new way of working.

alexia, co-founderLike many other parents, my main challenge at the moment is to juggle between homeschooling / entertaining my 3 kids and getting my own work done. What I’ve been doing in the past weeks that helps me is to wake up earlier in the morning (around 6 am) so I have some alone and quiet time to reply to my emails, enjoy my coffee and plan out my day. I have also made some strict schedule that the kids have to follow.”

-Alexia, Co-founder

maelle, co-founderGet ready and dressed and eat breakfast as per my normal working routine so I feel the morning energy. I write a to-do list for the day so I know what my daily objectives are. When working on strategic thinking or presentations, I turn off slack and WhatsApp on my laptop so I don’t get interrupted for at least 30 min to 1 hour. I take regular breaks and go down to the kitchen to make myself some tea or have a chat with my kids.”

– Maelle, Co-founder


sonal, Business Development Manager“Keep your spirits high! Take your day as your regular working day and plan your daily routine. Wake up early, get ready as usual. This helps me start my day with a positive attitude. For a little change in daily routine, I switch from the outdoor balcony table in the morning to indoors during afternoon. Make your To Do list and finish it by the end of the day. Stay connected with your team and discuss challenges you might be facing with the current scenario. Communication is key during this time. We are all in this together! “

-Sonal, Business Development Manager

ankit, Business Strategy & Development ManagerThe best way to stay productive in a wfm set-up for me is by emulating the same working conditions at home – Stick to your regular routine as much as possible! Wake up at the right time, shower, have breakfast, prepare your task list for the day and get going. Select or create a working environment where you see yourself staying focused and not dozing off in the middle of the day. For me, this is an area that has a lot of natural light where I can sit up straight and work on my laptop. Some light music in the background helps to set the mood too. ”

-Ankit, Business Strategy & Development Manager


tiffaine, Campaign Success and operations Manager “I stay as far away as possible from the kitchen to avoid food cravings. If I eat too much, it can make me feel tired. I also installed my desk right in front of the opened windows to get some fresh air all day long and keep my mood up”


-Tiffaine, Campaign Success Manager



Ben, Marketing Manager“Keeping good communication is very important when working from home. I plan a daily call with my team to discuss and share our main tasks of the day. And make sure we keep contact and we are all 100% motivated. Tidy up my laptop and notebook when I finish my day help me to split my day work and job”

-Ben, Marketing Manager




Oly, Digital Campaign Manager“Wake-up the same time you would if you were going to the office. Take your supposed travel time to have a hearty breakfast or “me-time” to enjoy every bit of your coffee or tea 🙂 It makes such a difference for the day to help you be focused and motivated. “

-Oly, Digital Campaign Manager




Novia, Campaign Coordinator

“I create a makeshift standing table at home, by placing a foldable laptop table over my study table. Having a flexible workspace is important for me as it helps me keep mobile and comfortable”

-Novia, Campaign Coordinator




“I like to start my work with some tea that wakes me up. It’s hard to feel motivated at home and I also find myself feeling more tired when I have to wake up and head to my laptop right after. Mint tea or lemon-ginger tea refreshes me and gives me the energy to start the day.”

-Divya, Community Manager



Tracy, Campaign Coordinator“As my family members are also working/ schooling from home, I make sure to find a place in the house away from the rest so that I can focus on work. I change my designated space everyday, so it doesn’t get too boring. Weekly calls help with the alignment of tasks.“

-Tracy, Campaign Coordinator


Linh, Campaign Coordinator“I start my every work-from-home with soft instrumental music and open all window curtains to have more natural light and air. Writing my to-do list and sticking to a plan helps me. A good thing about working at home is that I can freely change my working place as long as it is comfortable and quiet to concentrate on work.”

-Linh, Campaign Coordinator



Ja, Campaign Coordinator“My working place is always at the dining table which has a nice view. I always have snacks and soft-music to keep my company. Sometimes I need to take a walk and rest my eyes which is one good thing about working from home. I love looking out of the windows to see the playground and clear sky and that really helps brighten up my mood”

-Ja, Campaign Coordinator



Min, Marketing and Community Intern“With a 2-year old nephew at home, I lock myself in my room the entire day (minus breaks) so I can have a full day of work uninterrupted. Of course, throughout the day I take short breaks, either to grab a quick snack or just to rest my eyes from my screen. Usually, I have them for 10-15 minutes every couple of hours. I keep myself motivated with a to-do list, and with every tick off my to-do list, I feel more motivated to have everything done and usually the day ends like this without any struggle for motivation!”

-Min, Marketing and Community Intern


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