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HomeTry and Review 獎勵2019 Try and Review 獎勵森海塞爾Sennheiser PXC 550 無線:一個必備的可定制耳機

森海塞爾Sennheiser PXC 550 無線:一個必備的可定制耳機

旅行的事實是你可以選擇你的航班,排列或座位,但你永遠無法控制與你同航的人。哭鬧的嬰兒,打鼾或大聲談話都是旅行者最糟糕的噩夢。為了淹沒背景噪音,你可以插上補給的,脆弱的耳塞,試著用電影放鬆一下,但這仍然無法抵擋乘客積極地敲擊鍵盤的聲音。單獨旅行的體驗已經足夠壓力,但幸運的是,Sennheiser的PXC 550 Wireless使旅行更加輕鬆。請繼續閱讀,了解Sennheiser PXC 550 Wireless是如何成為每位旅行者的完美旅行伴侶和解決悲哀的方案。

Sennheiser憑藉其無可挑剔的技術創新,已經為音響行業帶來了70多年的革命。 PXC 550 Wireless是高性能旅行耳機的典型示例,可持續地在任何音量產生清脆優質的聲音。許多用戶都喜歡PXC 550 Wireless所提供的各種功能,其中一個恰好是去年的試用和評論奖项得主之一 用户 Shareurviewz。


用戶Shareurviewz已成為TryandReview.com會員一年。他是2019年“嘗試和評論獎项”中被選中的20位獲獎者之一,他因深思熟慮撰寫關於所有電子產品的評論而獲得認可。他特別熱衷於音頻電子,審閱各種耳機甚至音頻系統。他甚至深入研究音質的細節,以幫助其他發燒友做出明智的購買決定。以下是用户 Shareurviewz以真誠的理由去推介為何在您的生活中需擁有一對PXC 550無線耳機。

1. 使用CapTune應用程序輕鬆定制

PXC 550 Wireless利用Captune 一款適用於任何智能手機的聲音調節應用程序,可讓用戶輕鬆設計自己的聲音。您可以使用簡單的滑桿或波形調整聲音,直到您獲得完美的聲音。為方便起見,還有一個聲音檢查的功能可以測試一組預定義的均衡器設置。 Tryandreview.com用戶Shareurviewz在他的評論中提到,“我只喜歡可用於聲音的定制,使其像我想要的那樣”。您甚至可以為不同的聲音分配創建自定義設置,以便根據您的心情調整音效。應用程序界面時尚且非常容易使用,因此您可以控制您的聆聽體驗。

2. 方便的觸敏控制

PXC 550 Wireless的觸摸屏控制系統方便地安裝在耳罩的側面。它的輕鬆的使用方式為您提供了自然的控制,讓您隨時隨地都可以隨心所欲。您可以玩音樂音量,甚至可以跳過一首歌來接聽電話 – 只需快速滑動手指即可。 Tryandreview.com用戶Shareurviewz非常喜歡這個功能並且引用控件非常敏感,就像筆記本電腦的觸摸板一樣。

3. 智能功能

憑藉Sennheiser在技術進步方面的悠久歷史,PXC 550 Wireless擁有一系列智能功能也就不足為奇了。 Tryandreview.com用戶Shareurviewz特別喜歡折疊控制功能。當您展開它時,耳機可以預先感知您的意圖​​並自動開機,因為它知道您即將使用它。當您取下耳機時它也會自動暫停您的音樂,並在您折疊耳機時關閉電源。 PXC 550無線還具有內置限制器,可避免音頻電平突然升高,從而保護您的寶貴耳朵免受損壞。

4. 便攜和舒適

根據Tryandreview.com用戶Shareurviewz,Sennheiser的PXC 550無線不僅重量輕(227克),而且連續使用都沒有問題,十分舒適。使用耳機4小時後,他注意到他的頭部或下顎線沒有壓力。他將PXC 550 Wireless稱為“不變的伴侶”,並對其輕巧的設計贊不絕口,讓您忘記自己首先佩戴它。 Sennheiser在測試了數百隻耳朵後設計了耳機,以確保最佳的舒適度。



User Shareurviewz’s Review

So I've used this s for a couple of weeks now and I wonder how I was managing without this now! I just love this pair. Pros: Awesome looks Very lightweight No stress of head or jawline after 4 continuous hours of use Awesome touch panel controls, very responsive, just like a laptops touchpad Love the feature that I never have to actually switch it on or off... It manages perfectly with the twist of cups I just love the customisations available for the sound to make it just like I want to Cons The first time I listened to these, out of the box, I was in a shock that I paid so much for this? When u hear it with default settings, it sounds 'horrible' . It's flat earphone sound with nothing enabled. But then, the app came to rescue as I learnt to use it and tweaked the sounds just to make them perfect for me. I took 2 days to learn and adjust everything to my taste and it too took a little time to get me I guess... After 2 days... It got me! It's a constant companion now, and I don't even feel it's there. I'd say it may not be perfect for audiophiles, but somehow, when I comore these to Bose QC 35, which I heard at a Bose showroom, they were not for me... I found Bose sound dull and low, low on energy. These sound bright and crisp to me. It's a personal choice of course, am sure Bose are not bad either, but definitely my ears prefer a different sound or note I guess . I also had Sony in mind but then I read quite a few reviews of them cracking very soon and I was afraid to purchase such an expensive thing that will not last. And hence I landed upon these and love them


Easy To Wear
Life Warranty
Quality of Sound
<strong>User Shareurviewz’s Review</strong><br><br> So I've used this s for a couple of weeks now and I wonder how I was managing without this now! I just love this pair. Pros: Awesome looks Very lightweight No stress of head or jawline after 4 continuous hours of use Awesome touch panel controls, very responsive, just like a laptops touchpad Love the feature that I never have to actually switch it on or off... It manages perfectly with the twist of cups I just love the customisations available for the sound to make it just like I want to Cons The first time I listened to these, out of the box, I was in a shock that I paid so much for this? When u hear it with default settings, it sounds 'horrible' . It's flat earphone sound with nothing enabled. But then, the app came to rescue as I learnt to use it and tweaked the sounds just to make them perfect for me. I took 2 days to learn and adjust everything to my taste and it too took a little time to get me I guess... After 2 days... It got me! It's a constant companion now, and I don't even feel it's there. I'd say it may not be perfect for audiophiles, but somehow, when I comore these to Bose QC 35, which I heard at a Bose showroom, they were not for me... I found Bose sound dull and low, low on energy. These sound bright and crisp to me. It's a personal choice of course, am sure Bose are not bad either, but definitely my ears prefer a different sound or note I guess . I also had Sony in mind but then I read quite a few reviews of them cracking very soon and I was afraid to purchase such an expensive thing that will not last. And hence I landed upon these and love them森海塞爾Sennheiser PXC 550 無線:一個必備的可定制耳機