How to keep kids busy at home? Parents share their secrets!

Parent Tips Article Cover
User @alinetanxm's son mapping out their neighbourhood

Working from home gives you more time to spend with your children, but when you need to get work done, you need something to keep your kids busy at home! Here’s how some of our community members are entertaining their children!

With self-quarantine, the children are constantly at home too. For parents that are working from home, this is a wonderful time where you get to spend time with your little ones! Having them fill the house with their giggles and play, it undoubtedly helps to release a little stress from work. That is, until they get bored and start bothering you at work. Chores and snacks can only keep your kids busy at home for a short period of time. It can be stressful to find a multitude of activities to keep them entertained. Some of us at Try and Review can relate to your struggles.

While it is great to spend much more time with your little ones, it can be quite a distraction from work. On our Instagram page, many of you have responded that your little one has interrupted you at least 9 times, if not more! It can be difficult to keep your kids busy at home, happy and enriched while you focus on work, and thus, we have reached out to our 5 of our experienced members who are also parents for some tips! Here are some interesting ideas we have gathered from you.

Keep your kids busy at home with these tips!

Parents share their secrets!

" I have different activities prepared for my children to stay busy but still enriched. For example, I let my children map out the neighbourhood. After marking landmarks, I let my children draw in roads, trees, and bus-stops. Wherever their creativity takes them! It is also a good opportunity to talk about the amenities in the neighborhood. After, I assign them tasks to get around the neighbourhood with their toy cars or leave them independently to get some work done."

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- alinatanxm

Parents share their secrets!

" “The only struggle I am encountering is that, since he's still young, he still doesn't understand me very well, he is still preoccupied by the things that makes him interested, like playing around, watching and the likes. What I can recommend to other parents out there is that whatever it takes, make your child as happy as they can be. Give your full attention to them, if not kindly explain to them why you can't give them some attention and assure them that you're still there for them whenever, wherever, and whatever happens. "

- jini_makeawish

Parents share their secrets!

" I let him play because it’s summer he is still a child. I have him draw, color and write and pretend he is making a book for me. Take it easy. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Kids are kids they are happy with simple things. Dont complicate it. "
- imnotkeicb

DIY Book
Parents share their secrets!

" Do DIY projects. You will have your work done and they will enjoy that art. Planting is good for the environment and a healthy habit. Kids will learn to take care of others. You can also have them treasure hunt with math questions as clues. This is how they are learning maths and don’t even realise. They love it so much.🙈😍"
- mushk.nizam

Parents share their secrets!

" I would like to buy them drawing books and colour pencils. So I will let them draw everything they like or everything happens now to make them understand what is going now. First thing I do is I let them know about Covid-19 but I explain it to them with simple things. I draw them corona virus and colour it. Then I explain why they have to avoid themselves from it. So they will understand why social distancing is important. And of course I buy them cute masks for kids."
- fiismi

Drawing Photo
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